Identify Your Ideal Clients

Virtual assistants have the ability to choose who they want to work with. In the beginning, many will work with anyone who comes their way in order to generate income, get experience, and establish themselves, but the virtual assistants who are most fulfilled are the ones working with clients who bring them joy. You are not an employee anymore and do not need to work with Jane or Joe just because they are down the hall.

During each interview I ask virtual assistants who their ideal clients are. Many new virtual assistants don’t know how to answer this question. Do you? Take a minute right now and see if you can verbalize who your ideal client is. If you are taking part in the VA Quickstart program, there is a section that walks you through identifying your ideal client.

Why is this important? Working with your ideal clients will allow you to work from a place of joy and strength. You will have the skills they need, you will be performing duties you enjoy, and your work styles will complement each other. If you have that option, why would you not choose it!?!  Chances are you will find more joy and fulfillment while working with your ideal clients, you will have less frustration, and could very well make more money.

One size does not fit all in virtual assistance. If you are struggling with a client, I bet she does not fit in your “ideal client” category for one reason or another. Your definition of “ideal” may change and become more refined over time, so don’t worry if you are not clear in your description yet, just start somewhere.

Now don’t get me wrong, being able to verbalize characteristics of your ideal clients will not make them magically start calling you. You still need to let them know that you are out there, but this is the first step in being able to meet them and start a working relationship that will be beneficial to you both. This is an essential building block in filling your practice with clients you love.
If you want to learn more, take part in the Virtual Assistant Quickstart program.

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